Will The Internet Always Be American?

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The internet embodied American values of openness and free speech when it came into its own at a time of exuberant globalization. To this day, the leading players connecting millions of people around the world to ideas and to each other are U.S. firms — the likes of Twitter, Facebook, Alphabet, and Microsoft. We are now entering a period of resurgent nationalism, when everyone from European regulators to authoritarian regime censors and even the U.S. government appear eager to reassert more control and oversight of the internet. What does this nationalistic, populist backlash portend for the future of the American-centric internet and the values that initially defined it? Join Future Tense on Tuesday, January 24, in Washington, D.C., to explore the internet’s nationality, the extent to which it’s an expression of American culture, and to ask if that’s about to change. Lunch will be served.

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